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Who is Gofko?
Georgi Vasilev grew up around the Bulgarian seaside, as a young child splits his time between skateboarding, wakeboarding, and snowboarding. At just 20 years old, this goofy rider, known as “Gofko” had already broken over 100 skateboards and snowboards. The experience that was gained from breaking and learning to reconstruct snowboards, gave him deep hands on knowledge about board construction.
My dream is to be a pro athlete - Georgi Vasilev

Gofko's Inspiration
Inspired by his all-time favourite skateboarder idol - Chris Haslam, Gofko grew a strong curiosity for the world and shifted his interest to kiteboarding. It was kiteboarding, which unfold his life towards an adventurous ride of discoveries and possibilities, which is the search for epic waves and winds around Europe.

The journey begins
Taking his rides from the Black Sea, Aegean Sea, North Sea, and finally the powerful North Atlantic Ocean. It was in Fuerteventura where Gofko relentlessly trained both on and off the water and made his 1st GKA debut of strapless freestyle kitesurfing in 2018 in Fuerteventura, and Gran Canaria Air Battle at Tarifa in 2019. He showed the world his flamboyant style of riding and snatched 33rd place in the GKA
debut and 4th place in Gran Canaria Air Battle.
Trial and error is the way to succeed in everything.

Vision in Wing Foiling
Wing foiling a new sport of versatility and potentiality to a wide public group. Has managed to push away kiting and windsurfing because it’s safer and easy to learn. All reasons why Gofko decided to plant a seed in this sport!

Mission with Passions
Gofko believes that wing foiling opened up a new world of endless possibilities to water sport for a wide age group because you can combine two sports in one, such as wing skateboarding, wing longboard, wing skiing, wing snowboard, wing rollerblades, etc. Plus, we no longer need to be 18 years old to take the wing foiling course which all the little surfers finally have the chance to learn to fly from a young age.
Playing with nature whilst loading yourself with positive energy of the elements is the best feeling ever!

Stay true. Stay Aero.
A multi-talented man with high passion for wind-sports sure has allot to share to this world. Let us experience the progression of this sport with Gofkoooo wings!